Sales (0)

Please note - not all sale horses will be the breeds of VSH. All breeds will be posted with the information on the horse for sale. See contacting page for application information. See this post for CC used on horses.
-Only one file will be given out for realism. 
-Multiple applications accepted for the same horse, and the most suited applicant will be selected. 
-Please do not plan on changing the registered name of the horse; if this occurs, your stable will be blacklisted from any future sales, and the horse will asked to be returned. 
-Barn names can be changed to whatever you wish; please don't hesitate or feel the need to ask to change them.
-The only things that are allowed to be changed on horses are the hoof colors, mane and tail styles, and the whiteness of markings unless otherwise notified or permission is granted.
-a profile for the purchased horse must be put up for public viewing within two weeks from the date that the horse's file is sent to you. More time may be given if asked. If this isn't met, you will be seen as inactive, and the horse will be taken back and sold again.